
Calvin’s Doctrine of Predestination is unavailable, but you can change that!

The doctrine of predestination aroused opposition in Calvin’s own day, and it remains—nearly 500 years later—one of Calvin’s most contentious and most-debated doctrines. In this concise volume, Fred Klooster offers an excellent summary to this difficult doctrine. He analyzes, in particular, Calvin’s doctrine of double predestination. This volume concludes with a detailed bibliography.

reprobation, in contrast to the cause of God’s decree of election. Election is aimed at producing good works that glorify God; hence human works are excluded from consideration as the cause of God’s decree of election. With respect to reprobation, however, the sinful actions of men and women are certainly related to the final condemnation that proceeds from a righteous God. Calvin repeatedly emphasized that no one is finally condemned who does not fully deserve that condemnation. The question now
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